Visiting Hours

Wildlife Educational Program for Schools and Home-school Groups at the Sanctuary – weekdays from 09h00-11h30 or 09h00-13h00 (including an easy obstacle course)

Reptile Educational Talks at your school – 09h00 or 11h00 weekdays

Bird Educational Talks at your school – 09h00 or 11h00 weekdays

Teachers Team Building Events – Weekends on Saturdays

Holiday Club – See dates on Calendar and Facebook Events Calendar

CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC – We regret, not open to public visits, except for Family Days. Please see Calendar for upcoming dates.


Jeru for Reservations and information on +2774 824 3962 or

Zookeeper Juan for Animal Queries on +2779 063 8066 or

Welcome to our website

Dear Teachers, Principals and Parents,

We hope that you enjoy meeting us and our animal friends.

We have been doing animal education since 2004. We feel that it is vital that our children get taught a love for nature. We might not leave a better planet for our children, however we can try to leave better children for our planet.

We teach the youth to respect, love, care for and nurture, not just animals, but also humans. A balance in life is important for healthy living.

Our main focus is education and we have an amazing program for school visits and outings. We cover a variety of different animals, their diets, their habitats, where they are from and why we have them. Make sure your child does not miss out and inform your school about our fantastic program.

Our Educational Reptile Talks are a real hit with the students. Teaching them in a fun, hands-on manner about our amazing reptiles. We bring only non-venomous reptiles for an interactive, educational talk at your school. Saving you transport headaches.

Our Educational Wildlife Program is designed to delight, edutain and fascinate the students. We teach facts in a fun way, so the students will remember the information. Our easy Obstacle Course also lets them enjoy fun out in the fresh air.

Contact us for more information about our packages for an amazing, educational experience for you and your students.

Yours in Quality Education,

Juan and Jeru

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